BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Geschäfts- und Investitionsmöglichkeiten für deutsche Unternehmen im australischen Rohstoff-Sektor/Update on the Australian Resources Industry

Geschäfts- und Investitionsmöglichkeiten für deutsche Unternehmen im australischen Rohstoff-Sektor

Australia’s mining boom has reinforced the country’s position as a leading player in global mining. Australia is ideally positioned within Asia-Pacific, the fastest growing region in the world.

Demand for commodities from the region has driven high levels of investment in minerals exploration and development projects. The market potential is backed up by Australia’s highly developed infrastructure, skilled workforce and strong focus on R&D and innovation – which make Australia an ideal destination to establish operations.

Following a welcome address by the Australian Ambassador, H.E. Mr Peter Tesch our high-level speakers will share valuable insights, knowledge and experience regarding the Australian resources industry and will be pleased to discuss your questions.

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Flyer "Invitation to a Dinner Round Table “Update on the Australian Resources Industry” (PDF, 280 KB)

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Deutsche Rohstoffagentur (DERA) in der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) | Wilhelmstraße 25 – 30 | 13593 Berlin-Spandau
Tel.: +49-(0)30 36993 226
Fax: +49-(0)30 36993 100

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