Ore deposit research
Open pit at Platreef in South Africa. The weathered and oxidized platinum ores close to surface (brownish colors) show elevated platinum concentrations
Source: BGR
Global geological reserves and resources of mineral deposits are not considered limited but they are not renewable and their supply is finite. Considering the worldwide increasing demand for consumer and capital goods and the associated increasing usage of resources the discovery of new mineral resources and ore deposit occurrences and/or deposits of alternative and substitutive resources is essential for modern societies. This is also true with regard to changing demands for mineral resources caused by new technological solutions and requirements during product development.
In the forefront of industrial and sustainable usage, BGR carries out research activities for primary, terrestrial and marine ore deposits. The aim is to extend the resource base and to secure a long term resource supply for the German industry. Regarding economical and social challenges the mineral research of ore deposits at BGR currently has its focus on:
- Industrial strategic metals: RoStraMet
- Marine mineral resources: Polymetallic sulfides, manganese nodules
- Analytical fingerprint of mineral resources as part of a certification system
The individual programs focus on the investigation and evaluation of raw materials potentials and include enhanced methodical developments for the investigation and assessment of ore deposits. Research activities are complemented by third party funded projects as well as research assignments to universities and scientific institutions.
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