BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

TC Project Myanmar: Myanmar – Sustainable Development of the Mining Sector, Phase I

Myanmar has abundant lead-zinc, antimony, gold, and coal deposits, which are exploited frequently in medium to small-scale mines that in many cases are in environmental and safety aspects deficient. The regional focus of the BGR Project “Sustainable Development of the Mining Sector in Myanmar” is on the Shan State, which is in line with the current official program “Sustainable Economic Development” of German-Myanmar cooperation. The project partner is the Department of Mines (DOM) within the “Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation” (MONREC). The overall aim of the project is the improvement of the quality of mining supervision and operations with respect to safety, social and environmental aspects.

The project outputs include the evaluation and improvement of supervision procedures, the strengthening of staff capacity involved in mining, and improved collaboration of relevant stakeholders in the mining sector on mining supervision-related topics. Joint inspections and site visits, technical trainings, equipment trainings and workshops are forming the basis for capacity development and the exemplary implementation of mining-specific guidelines and technical standards.

Mine InspectionMine Inspection Source: BGR

Trans-institutional workgroup Taungyyi Technological University, MyanmarTrans-institutional workgroup Taungyyi Technological University, Myanmar Source: BGR


Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Vasters
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2147
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-2304

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