BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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World Water Week 2006

Stockholm World Water Week, 20.-26.08.2006:

"Beyond the River - Sharing Benefits and Responsibilities."

"Under Cover? Transboundary Aquifers – the Hidden Asset for Riparian Cooperation in Africa"

In this event, the convening organisations together with African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) and participants supported the "Stockholm Message on Transboundary Groundwater for Africa" (PDF, 55 KB) which aims at drawing the attention of decision makers and relevant stakeholder on the subject of transboundary aquifers.

On the basis of this message, a continued collaboration is foreseen to strengthen the integration of transboundary groundwater cooperation within the agenda and scope of work of relevant organisations (e.g. basin organisations). In addition, international financing institutions and donors should become convinced that investment in groundwater infrastructure (such as piezometric networks, monitoring systems, data and information systems, laboratories, etc.) lead to substantial returns.

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