BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Paraguay - Strengthening the decentralized water sector

Country / Region: Paraguay / America
Focus: Groundwater

Begin of project: July 13, 2005

End of project: January 24, 2013

Status of project: March 6, 2013

Project team for a training course for the extraction of water samples in Areguá, ParaguayProject team for a training course for the extraction of water samples in Areguá, Paraguay Source: BGR

In the eastern part of the country, Paraguay has extensive groundwater resources which are exposed to increasing pollution caused by domestic and industrial sewage and agricultural chemicals. This is a threat to the usability of the water and to the country's public health.

In the western half of the country (Chaco), most of the groundwater is salinated. High demands are placed on the few fresh water supplies.

Basic technical, legal and institutional conditions for improving this situation using systematic water management have previously not existed.

An important legal framework for the water sector was adopted in 2007 in the form of the New Water Act. The discussion for the implementation of this law is still in progress. In particular, the roles of those involved in the water sector are still unclear, since the responsibilities are spread over different authorities and currently overlap.

With the development of "Consejos de Agua" (water advisories), the participatory component in the management of resources is expected to improve.

Against this backdrop, the BGR has implemented a project since 2007 with the Paraguayan Ministry of Environment (SEAM) with the following objective:

“In selected water supply areas, advisory boards of private and public water users have initiated the process of water management and groundwater protection in Paraguay on the basis of nationally-coordinated technical specifications.”

The discussion of the supporter (SEAM) and the Water Advisories will focus on two complementary levels of intervention:

  • The creation of institutional and technical conditions for three selected watersheds, starting with the recognition of water resources management,
  • The preparation of proposals for implementing rules and regulations focusing on an interpretation of the new Water Framework Law at the local level.

Three watersheds were selected as areas of activity. These areas represent the most critical problems concerning water resources and the various natural areas of the country. They are:

  • The Arroyo San Lorenzo Watershed (Patiño aquifer, Asunción metropolitan area): very densely populated area with large amount industry and poor sanitation
  • The Arroyo Capiibary Watershed (Guaraní Aquifer, Hohenau area): sparsely populated but intensively farmed area (e.g. soy cultivation)
  • The Benjamin Aceval freshwater supply (southeast of Chaco): geographically very limited freshwater lens surrounded by salt water with the risk of overuse.

Thematic maps for groundwater protection created in the project are also used in land-use planning. In addition, materials adjusted to meet local needs for environmental education on the subject of water for different age groups are being distributed.

The consolidation of all public and private water users into water advisories for control and monitoring of groundwater protection and for water management in their respective watersheds is being promoted in this way and the water advisories will be supported in taking up their functions and responsibilities.

From a development policy and technical standpoint, the project is closely associated with the TC project Urban environmental planning and siting of landfills, also implemented with SEAM.

Technical Cooperation with Paraguay

Project-No.: 2004.2189.1

Project-ID: 991


Secretaría del Ambiente (SEAM)


Dr. Lothar Winkelmann
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2682
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3661


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