Technical Cooperation
Technical Cooperation of BGR with various partner countries worldwide in the focal areas groundwater, mineral and energy resources and georisks
Source: BGR
Geo-resources such as minerals, energy resources, water and soil are essential foundations of life for present and future generations worldwide. In many countries, the overuse or improper use of these resources on the one hand and the lack of access to them of the poor on the other hand lead to supply shortages and thus to complex social, economic and environmental problems.
Central elements of the technical cooperation of BGR are therefore the strengthening of good governance, ownership and self-empowerment in developing countries to ensure the sustainable use of geo-resources. The respective societies expect answers from our cooperation partners to questions that affect them today and will be even more urgent in the future. This is done by a professional assessment of resource potentials, by creating the conditions for the participation of society in development decisions, as well as by institutional strengthening and capacity building of state governance structures.
BGR has been operating internationally since 1958. The organisation advises the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is currently implementing projects for the management of geo-resources in about 30 partner countries worldwide.
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